Summit County Open Space Plan and Comprehensive Plan

Logan Simpson prepared the first update of the Summit County Open Space & Trails Master Plan since 1996. The previous Plan focused on land acquisition for a newly conceived program; the new Plan guides the acquisition, trail development, maintenance, and resource management into the next decade to proactively address challenges and adapt to change. It provides policy guidance on open space, trails, and other outdoor recreation topics across jurisdictional boundaries. This Plan works with the Countywide and Basin Master Plans to reflect the community’s vision for open space and trails throughout the County. It is focused on non-developed, nature-based recreation and provides guidance to federal, state, and local agencies that collaborate with Summit County, with each able to set its own policy on lands under their respective jurisdiction. The planning process integrated partners, land managers, resource interests, and recreation stakeholders to address acquisition, stewardship, and visitor priorities. Multi-lingual in-person and online public input was a driving force in the development of this Plan.