
CSU Football Practice Facility and Heritage Garden

Logan Simpson led the design of a football practice facility and a heritage garden adjacent to Colorado State University’s football stadium. The 2.6-acre facility contains a full-size field, a partial-length field, and specialty training equipment. The 0.7-acre Heritage Garden incorporates a decorative arbor and plantings from CSU’s six agricultural research stations to represent the university’s […]

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Roundhouse Renewable Energy Project

The Roundhouse Renewable Energy Project included: a Class I literature Review, Class III archaeological survey, mitigation/excavation of a multi-component site, leading cultural resources training for construction personnel, and conducting archaeological monitoring during construction. The linear transmission line consisted of 28 miles of cultural survey that included full documentation of previously recorded and newly recorded archaeological

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Larimer County Comprehensive Plan and Mountain Resilience Plan

No community is immune from the impacts of significant disruptions, and it is impossible to anticipate and prepare for all possible natural or economic hazard events. Larimer County’s new Comprehensive Plan helps build individual and community self-sufficiency in the event of a disaster, as well as strengthening the capacity of the county to continue supplying

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Green Mountain Falls Comprehensive Plan & Hazard Resiliency

  Logan Simpson worked with the Town of Green Mountain Falls to update their Comprehensive Plan. GMF is a small mountainous community challenged by the recession, wildfires, small landslides, and flooding. Still the community maintains successful businesses and public amenities, due in large part to a supportive community of committed residents and volunteers and a

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Rawhide Solar Facility Permitting

Logan Simpson worked with Platte River Power Authority to prepare a 1041 permit application for construction of a 30-MW solar generating facility at the site of the Rawhide Power Plant north of Fort Collins, Colorado.  The project included a survey of the site’s biological and cultural resources and other related investigations. Following hearings by the

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Bozeman Community Plan

Logan Simpson is working with the City of Bozeman, Montana and its residents, visitors, students, and second homeowners to update the city’s comprehensive plan. The plan will guide the growth and development of one of the fastest-growing urban areas in the country over the next twenty years. Bozeman’s population has doubled in size since 1990

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Desert Tortoise Surveys

Logan Simpson conducted desert tortoise surveys and provide data and a final report to BLM for three BLM land parcels added to the Las Vegas Field Office. To comply with federal environmental laws, the LVFO tasked Logan Simpson with collecting endangered species survey data. The 5,400 acres were surveyed according to BLM and USFWS standards

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LiDAR Cultural Resources and Environmental Support

Rocky Mountain Power uses Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data collected from helicopter flights to measure minimum ground clearance, structural loads, wire sag, and wire tension along their existing electric transmission line network. Lines that pose a safety hazard are then repaired. Many of the lines pre-date environmental and cultural resources regulations such as NEPA,

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