Montrose City-Wide Historic Resources Survey Plan

Logan Simpson recently completed a city-wide historic resources survey plan for the City of Montrose, Colorado. The project was funded by a certified local government (CLG) grant provided by the Colorado State Historic Fund and established baseline data and priorities to help guide the wise use of the community’s resources. The creation of this historic resources survey plan overlaps with Montrose’s ongoing efforts to update its 2008 Comprehensive Plan, which will act as the official guide for the city’s strategic planning up to the year 2040. Logan Simpson’s survey plan includes evaluation of existing data, historic context development, limited reconnaissance level survey, descriptions of significant resources and property types, and public outreach. Through these efforts, Logan Simpson identified multiple historic resources for individual and district designations, documented the presence of significant landscapes, streetscapes, viewsheds, and historic and vintage signage, and identified over 25 different architectural styles and forms within City limits. The report also includes a discussion of goals, objectives, and a list of historic preservation priorities ranked in order of importance to be implemented over the next 15 years.

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