Green Mountain Falls Comprehensive Plan & Hazard Resiliency


Logan Simpson worked with the Town of Green Mountain Falls to update their Comprehensive Plan. GMF is a small mountainous community challenged by the recession, wildfires, small landslides, and flooding. Still the community maintains successful businesses and public amenities, due in large part to a supportive community of committed residents and volunteers and a unique town character and extensive trails system that draws visitors from near and far. This plan recommended tailored and actionable direction based on key issues and opportunities. It established a basis for future Town policies and priorities for development and will provide a balanced, predictable, and flexible land use plan and implementable strategies for housing affordability, hazard mitigation and resilience, infrastructure upgrades, and general improvements for community services and character. In regards to resiliency, the plan analyzed wildfire and its effect on this wildland-urban interface community. Land use policies to protect critical human infrastructure, municipal water and power supplies, evacuation routes, and major recreation areas and transportation corridors were then developed. The plan was unanimously adopted in July 2019. Read it here.

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