Logan Simpson assisted the City of Tempe with the Arizona Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration in the planning and construction of a mile-long multi-use path and streetscape improvement project along 8th Street. Logan Simpson prepared a survey report for the area of potential effect (APE), including: architectural documentation; National Register of Historic Places eligibility evaluation; Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act assessment; a multi-phased Historic Properties Treatment Plan (HPTP); and an addendum to the HPTP for the railroad prior to conducting archaeological investigations. Phase I investigations included excavating 29 mechanical trenches and one mechanical stripping unit alongside the railroad. The excavations revealed 24 prehistoric features including one human remains, leading to the recommendation for additional Phase II documentation. Consultation with the descendant community upon encountering human remains and a possible platform mound included the recommendation that an ethnographic and oral history component be conducted as part of the Phase II investigations, which are currently underway.