Jackson Teton County Growth Management Plan

Logan Simpson worked with the Town of Jackson and Teton County on the Growth Management Program (GMP) Review and an update to the forward-thinking 2012 Comprehensive Plan, previously completed by Logan Simpson staff Bruce Meighen and Megan Moore. The area is located on the edge of Yellowstone and includes the Town of Jackson and many smaller communities. The GMP Review was an in-depth statistical and community-based check-in on how the plan has been functioning over the last seven years and allows the team to systematically revise the plan through the identification of corrective actions necessary to better implement its vision. For this update, tasks have included an overall audit of the plan, using a three-tiered priority rating system based on seven years of indicator data, trend analysis, and an outreach campaign to understand the community’s perception. Looking back, the Plan shifted growth from rural areas into complete neighborhoods (over 60% into complete neighborhoods) and resulted in thousands of units of new workforce housing (over 65% of people who work in Jackson/Teton live there). Our work developing the Character Districts, Code, and Housing Action Plan has ensured growth is directed to the correct places. Fundamental changes to the Plan will be a limit on greenhouse gases, no new single-occupancy lane miles constructed, and an environmental keystone indicator. The Plan update process can be found at http://www.jacksontetonplan.com/315/Growth-Management-Program-GMP-Review-Upd, and the overall plan is located at http://www.jacksontetonplan.com/270/Comprehensive-Plan.

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