ECO PHX is being created to meet an under-served market of environmentally conscientious residents. This purposefully sustainable, infill development of 70 apartment homes that demonstrates what is possible with today’s technology. To accomplish this objective, we approached the design process from the inside out, with sustainability components at the heart of the building’s design. The result is an economically feasible structure integrating sustainable building systems that create a distinctive residential community.


The project integrates biomimicry by imitating the natural processes of our native Sonoran Desert: Curb cuts will bring in stormwater into the bioswales and provide a dual function of cleaning the water through vegetation as well as supplementing irrigation needs. The green wall mimics Arizona canyons and helps to cool the building. Recycled shower water from the building’s residents provides irrigation, vital in this arid climate.


ECO PHX sets the standard for future development in Phoenix. The project is being completed for Habitat Metro and the Fenix Capital Group; team members include WERK | urban design, CCBG Architecture, Ritoch Powell, and Sletten Construction.

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