Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area Management Plan Revision and EA

Logan Simpson worked with the BLM (NEPA lead); Colorado Parks and Wildlife (management plan lead); and the US Forest Service (land manager) to update to the management plan and EA for the 150 miles Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA).  The AHRA is one of the nation’s most popular whitewater boating rivers and receives the highest level of commercial boating of any river in the nation. With 700,000 visitors annually, the AHRA is also popular for camping, wildlife watching, gold panning, and numerous other river-related recreation activities including its Gold Medal Trout Fishery. The challenge for the AHRA is to satisfy seemingly infinite recreational demands while at the same time maintaining both the environmental quality and the quality of visitor experiences along the river. The issue-driven management plan and EA addresses a wide array of topics, with a focus on carrying capacity, potential user conflicts, special activity and special use permitting, travel management updates for key areas, the need for new or improved facilities, and improved access and resource conservation. Logan Simpson led three rounds of public outreach to help guide the AHRA partnership in four different cities across the Front Range and in the project vicinity.

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