A community-driven roadmap for sustainable growth and development
Wellton General Plan
The 2023 Wellton General Plan was developed for the town of Wellton, Arizona. This plan exemplifies a comprehensive planning process through robust public engagement, extensive jurisdictional collaboration, and a systematic approach to implementation.
The plan covers a 71-square-mile Municipal Planning Area (MPA) in Southwest Arizona and aims to guide the town’s development as its population is anticipated to grow by 40% by 2040. Beyond required elements like land use and transportation, the plan includes elective areas such as parks and open space, environmental planning, and water management.
Nearly 20% of the town’s population participated in the planning process through community meetings, one-on-one interviews, and questionnaires. With a budget of just $50,000 from a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the plan integrated input from local, state, and federal stakeholders, ensuring it aligns with regional goals. It incorporates 51 action items, categorized by timeframe, and features a robust implementation schedule, with some actions already underway.
The plan’s clear format, high-quality maps, and infographics further enhance its accessibility and effectiveness. The Wellton General Plan serves as a model for small jurisdictions by offering a transferable, community-driven roadmap for sustainable growth and development.
Services Provided
General / Comprehensive Planning
Additional Awards
2024 APA Arizona Honorable Mention for Regional or General or Comprehensive Plan