Architectural documentation and conditions assessment

SRP Zanjero House 031 Condition Assessment

Under contract with Salt River Project, Logan Simpson surveyed and evaluated a 1934 zanjero adobe building, in Phoenix Arizona, that was damaged in a fire that occurred in 2023. The inventory involved field documentation and an architectural report addressing the historic and current condition of the building. Logan Simpson engaged Adobe Technology LLC as a subcontractor to prepare emergency stabilization recommendations. The project also involved a Class I cultural resource inventory to identify the nature and scope of previous archaeological investigations and documented cultural resources that intersected the project area and surrounding 1-mile buffer area. Logan Simpson determined that the building was potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) either individually, or as a contributor to the Salt River Project Diversion and Conveyance System Historic District. Logan Simpson recommended further post-cleanup architectural documentation, archival research, and, if deemed appropriate, NRHP nomination drafting and submission and/or a Historic American Building Survey report to be completed. The Class I inventory suggests the presence of subsurface cultural deposits within the project area.

Services Provided

Buildings & Facilities




Zanjero house architectural documentation and conditions assessment following fire damage
Class I inventory suggests subsurface cultural deposits at historic Zanjero House
Emergency stabilization recommendations created for historic zanjero house
Historic adobe building
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