Local property designation and property-specific historic preservation plan

Scottsdale City Hall Historic Designation Report and Historic Preservation Plan

Prepared for the City of Scottsdale Arizona Historic Preservation Commission, the designation report documented, analyzed, and recommended Scottsdale’s City Hall as a significant historic building that is eligible for listing as a historic landmark in city’s Historic Register. In addition, the report includes a preservation plan that outlines character defining features, while also providing guidance and recommendations for any future alterations and rehabilitation. The report was completed using documentation from an on-site survey and from material collected during research at the Scottsdale Public Library and at the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records. The City of Scottsdale formally listed Scottsdale City Hall in 2023.

Project Type

Buildings & Facilities




Scottsdale City Hall local designation and historic preservation plan
Bennie Gonzalez designed Scottsdale City Hall locally designated and preserved
Historic preservation plan for Scottsdale City Hall to guide future management
Local historic designation
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