Walnut Canyon Pre-Contact Architecture Preservation Plan and Implementation Guidelines
NPS Walnut Canyon National Monumnet Architectural Documentation and Preservation Plan
Logan Simpson completed Architectural Documentation at 21 mostly backcountry archaeological sites at Walnut Canyon National Monument, outside Flagstaff Arizona. The purpose of the project was to record original construction and current condition data to assist the National Park Service (NPS) in identifying and prioritizing potential preservation treatments. Many sites retain well preserved standing architecture originally built by the by Sinagua residents of Walnut Canyon in the 12th and 13th century. Architectural Documentation involved completing comprehensive wall-by-wall tabular and narrative data sheets quantifying prehistoric architectural attributes, full site condition assessments, annotated wall elevation photography, treatment recommendations, and detailed rock-to-rock planview and cross-section maps of each site.
In addition, Logan Simpson prepared the Pre-Contact Architecture Preservation Plan and Implementation Guidelines for the monument, which will serve as a guiding document for ongoing preservation and treatment strategies within the monument and other units managed by the NPS.
Project Type
Cultural Resource Inventories