Cultural Landscape Inventories and Determinations of Eligibility for diverse historic resources located in National Parks in the Pacific West Region.

National Park Service Mission 66 Properties Determinations of Eligibility (DOE) and Cultural Landscape Inventories (CLI)

Logan Simpson, as a subcontractor to the Stanley-Dowl Joint Venture, has been conducting CLIs of more than 30 properties within six different park units within National Park Service (NPS) Regions 8, 9, 10, and 12. To date, Logan Simpson has completed CLIs for roads at Crater Lake; a headquarters area at Hawaii Volcanoes; multiple trails, roadways, overlooks, and picnic areas at Joshua Tree; multiple campgrounds at Sequoia-Kings Canyon; multiple campgrounds, buildings, and roadways at Olympic; a picnic area and utility area at Mount Rainier; and multiple campgrounds, a road, and water and wastewater system at Yosemite National Park. For properties recommended eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), we complete draft NRHP nomination forms. For properties recommended not eligible for the NRHP, our staff prepares CLI reports.

Project Type

Cultural Landscapes




Cultural Landscape Inventories for Pacific West Region National Parks document significance
California Riding and Hiking Trail segment determined eligible in Joshua Tree National Park
Historic campgrounds and day-use sites documented to guide future NPS management
Mission 66 resources
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