Historic mining in Little Cottonwood Canyon

Grizzly Gulch Cultural Resource Survey

More than a century of mining between 1867 and the 1970s left the granite of Big and Little Cottonwood Canyon, located outside Alta, Utah, honeycombed with mine workings and dangerous openings. The Utah Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program (AMRP) addressed many of these in the 1980s and 1990s, and most recently with a maintenance project in 2023. In support of AMRP’s most recent effort, Logan Simpson was contracted to record and assess historic mining resources in the bowl of Grizzly Gulch, located at the upper end of Little Cottonwood Canyon. Through the use of a grid survey system, in-depth historic and archival research, digital data collection, and historic photograph recreations, Logan Simpson documented an exceptionally rich and expansive mining landscape: over 2,500 artifacts and 506 historic mining features including mine roads and an aerial tramway. Careful planning and data management allowed the different lines of investigation to inform one another both during and after the inventory effort. The resulting data are useful for a wide range of research questions: the adoption of different mining technologies in an early hard rock district, surface site taphonomy at elevation, and the lives of prospectors and miners.

Project Type

Cultural Resource Inventories




Historic mining landscape
Historic and archival research
Historic photograph recreations
Responsible management of cultural resources
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