Greenlink West Transmission Project Environmental Impact Statement and Resource Management Plan Amendments
Greenlink West Transmission Project
Logan Simpson was the third-party Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) contractor assisting the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Nevada State Office in the preparation of an EIS and potential land use plan amendments for a Right of Way (ROW) application to construct, operate, and maintain the 472-mile Greenlink West Transmission Project (GLWP). The GLWP is planned as a system of new 525-kilovolt (kV), 345-kV, 230-kV, and 120-kV overhead electric transmission facilities, substations, and ancillary project components that would be constructed between Las Vegas and Reno in Clark, Nye, Esmeralda, Mineral, Lyon, Storey, and Washoe counties in Nevada. The GLWP boundary (temporary and permanent disturbance areas) encompasses approximately 13,600 acres of land predominantly on lands administered by the BLM with smaller portions of the project crossing Department of Defense (DOD), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), National Park Service (NPS), Department of Energy (DOE), Nevada Division of State Lands (NDSL), and Clark County lands, in addition to privately-owned lands. Currently, the BLM is considering existing resource management plans (RMPs) in the decision to issue a ROW grant, in accordance with 43 CFR Part 1610.0 5(b).
Services Provided
Environmental Planning