A plan focused on regional coordination

Envision Washoe 2040

In response to the opportunities and challenges facing Washoe County Nevada, we re-envisioned the County’s approach to growth. Envision Washoe 2040 was a community-driven process aimed at updating the County’s master plan and development code. The master plan focuses on the principles, policies, codes, and programs needed for this diverse and dynamic community to thrive in the next ten to twenty years.

Envision Washoe 2040 was an extensive three-year process to update the 2010 Master Plan to better align with the community’s goals and the recently adopted Truckee Meadows Regional Plan. In addition to the new Regional Plan, Washoe County experienced a changing population demographic, significant build out, changes in jurisdictional boundaries due to annexation, new information technologies, changes in water resource management and service provision through adoption of the Truckee River Operating Agreement and creation of the Truckee Meadows Water Authority, and a renewed public focus on health and equity.

Project Type

Regional Planning




Winner of the Comprehensive Plan of the Year Award
Envision Washoe 2040 embarks on a new process for the County in monitoring plan progress
In addition to general public outreach, Envision Washoe 2040 included three separate advisory committees to incorporate input from different lenses
For the first time, Washoe County Planning held Spanish-language workshops and produced Spanish-language outreach materials
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