Creating an actionable plan for Downtown Cheyenne

Cheyenne DDA Plan of Development

Logan Simpson is working with the City of Cheyenne Wyoming to update the Downtown Development Authority’s (DDA) Plan of Development for Downtown Cheyenne, which is a comprehensive plan for downtown Cheyenne within the defined DDA area boundary and includes recommendations and guidelines for the development of the downtown area.

Since 1991, when the first DDA Master Plan for the Downtown Cheyenne Core Area was adopted, more than two dozen plans have been created that influence the direction of downtown. The latest version of the DDA Master Plan of Development, which is being updated, was adopted in 2011 with minor amendments in 2016, 2017 and 2018. Adopted plans range from the community-wide Plan Cheyenne to very specific plans for areas like the Reed Avenue Corridor, Downtown alleys, and parking management strategies.

With a public visioning process kickoff in early 2024, the DDA Plan of Development is a community-driven process aimed at creating a guiding, and comprehensive, vision for the future of Downtown Cheyenne. The Plan will provide a blueprint for strategies that promote economic vitality and increase public activities, while enhancing the historic western charm of Downtown.

Project Type

Subarea & Master Planning




A cornerstone of the Plan’s development will be a robust community engagement process
Consolidation and prioritization of actions and strategies from over 50 plans
The plan will balance historic preservation, sustainability, and community investment
Currently in Phase 2, the project is slated for adoption in early 2025
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