Transitioning to a safe, cohesive, multimodal, retail focused main street

Casper MPO Mills Main St Corridor Study

SW Wyoming Boulevard serves as the primary corridor through the City of Mills Wyoming for residents, local business, and regional passthrough travel. Primarily oriented towards vehicular movement, the corridor lacks a cohesive consideration for access and safety of all travel modes and public space that would attract community serving retail and land uses. In recent years there has been documented desire by Mills residents, municipal leadership, and the Casper Area Metropolitan planning organization (MPO) to reimagine the design of SW Wyoming Boulevard in a manner that supports economic growth, placemaking, and multimodal access.

The purpose of this study was to provide corridor improvement recommendations and redesign concepts of SW Wyoming Boulevard through the City of Mills with the objectives of enhancing connectivity, safety, placemaking, and economic opportunity. This study builds upon previous land use analysis of the portion of Mills along SW Wyoming Boulevard directly abutting the North Platte River and relevant transportation plans that have been most recently adopted by the Town and the Casper Area MPO.

Project Type

Corridor Planning




Winner of the 2022 Planning Project of the Year
Process objectives were enhancing connectivity, safety, placemaking, and economic opportunity
Focus on shared core values identified through community feedback, adopted local and regional plans, and analysis of existing mobility and traffic conditions
Serves as a catalyst for transformation of the corridor into the “Main Street” of Mills and the regeneration of the riverfront

Additional Awards

2022 WYOPASS Planning Project of the Year

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