Historic resource inventory and historic context documenting the historic presence and contributions of Asian Americans in Tucson.
Asian Americans in Tucson Historic Context and Historic Resource Inventory
The Asian Americans in Tucson Historic Context and Historic Resource Survey was an effort that captured the stories of Asian Americans in the City of Tucson Arizona from 1848-1980. The historic context and survey spanned the entire city and examined the role and influence of peoples of Asian descent in Tucson. The project involved a significant archival element that identified extant historic resources associated with Asian American communities. Logan Simpson then conducted a historic resource survey that documented the broad range of property types that remain extant city-wide – from residences to grocery stores to churches. Following the identification and documentation of these resources, Logan Simpson crafted evaluation criteria that captured the unique features the historic resources surveyed to fully interpret their significance and serve as a guide for effective management for future planning efforts. The project also involved an oral history component that augmented the identification of significant Asian American buildings and sites that were otherwise missing in the historic record. These oral histories were collected in partnership with the Tucson Chinese Community Center and captured a vital human element that was applied to the interpretation of the identified historic resources.
Services Provided
Buildings & Facilities