Alabama Hills National Scenic Area Visual Resource Inventory

Alabama Hills National Scenic Area Visual Resource Inventory

With the passage by Congress to designate 18,610 acres in the Alabama Hills in California in March 2019 as a National Scenic Area under the National Landscape Conservation System, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Bishop Field Office in California hired Logan Simpson to conduct a Visual Resource Inventory (VRI). This is the first-of-its-kind designation to be managed by the BLM. The VRI will be used in the development of the management plan to conserve, protect, and restore this nationally significant landscape.

Services Provided

Visual Resources




First ever VRI for a BLM NSA
The Alabama Hills are uniquely situated near the base of Mount Whitney, the tallest peak in the Lower 48 States and just miles west from the lowest point in the United States in Death Valley National Park
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