• Rio Tinto Kennecott Little Valley Cultural Resource Survey

    Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper, who is a long-term client of Logan Simpson, contracted with us to perform a 75-acre Class III cultural resources survey in the Little Valley Wash. This survey encountered a historic water control system from the late 1930’s, which spanned into the mid 1960’s, and was associated with flash flood control in the Little Valley area. Discoveries included ditches, large-scale masonry spillways, and a retention basin. Mitigation strategies were performed, which included field documentation of the entire water control system, updating the Utah Archaeology Site Form, and preparation of a historic context, which contained historic photographs, newspaper clippings, field photographs, and maps. The results of the literature review and archival research included a history of the region with a focus on the development of flood control structures in Utah, the Soil Conservation Service, and the Works Progress Administration.

  • Roundhouse Renewable Energy Project

    The Roundhouse Renewable Energy Project included: a Class I literature Review, Class III archaeological survey, mitigation/excavation of a multi-component site, leading cultural resources training for construction personnel, and conducting archaeological monitoring during construction. The linear transmission line consisted of 28 miles of cultural survey that included full documentation of previously recorded and newly recorded archaeological sites within the project area and providing recommendation of their eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). A full Class III survey report was prepared for submittal to the State Historic Preservation Office.

    The survey area encompasses a variety of prehistoric and historic sites. Prehistoric sites included lithic scatters and habitation sites, while historic sites included mining complexes, sheep ranches, and homesteads. After the completion of the cultural survey, the Logan Simpson project manager developed an avoidance and testing plan for nine NRHP-eligible sites in advance of the construction of the transmission line towers. The testing plan included a variety of mitigation techniques including avoidance fencing, monitoring, trenching, test units, diagnostic surface collection and shovel testing. Site mitigation included systematic mechanical trenching, unit excavation and controlled surface collections. Laboratory analysis and curation took place at Colorado State University. The mitigation report is nearing completion, and Logan Simpson provided an archaeological monitor for the project to ensure that NRHP-eligible sites are not disturbed during construction.

  • Rawhide Solar Facility Permitting

    Logan Simpson worked with Platte River Power Authority to prepare a 1041 permit application for construction of a 30-MW solar generating facility at the site of the Rawhide Power Plant north of Fort Collins, Colorado.  The project included a survey of the site’s biological and cultural resources and other related investigations. Following hearings by the Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners, the project was unanimously approved.

  • LiDAR Cultural Resources and Environmental Support

    Rocky Mountain Power uses Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data collected from helicopter flights to measure minimum ground clearance, structural loads, wire sag, and wire tension along their existing electric transmission line network. Lines that pose a safety hazard are then repaired. Many of the lines pre-date environmental and cultural resources regulations such as NEPA, ESA, or NHPA. Logan Simpson helped Rocky Mountain Power navigate relevant regulations while ensuring that construction schedules were not impacted by unexpected environmental or cultural resources issues. Specific tasks included interfacing with federal and state agencies; large-scale literature reviews and due diligence studies to identify potential conflicts; GIS-based mapping, modeling, and database preparation; cultural resources inventories, site recording, and monitoring; and biological tasks like avian surveys, plant surveys, revegetation, and monitoring construction buffers for threatened and endangered species. We also identified construction access roads onto the right-of-way and facilitated the resolution of potential logistical issues that could impede construction.

  • Transmission Line Herbicide EAs

    The Arizona Public Service Company (APS) and the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) are responsible for managing vegetation within their respective utility corridors in Arizona. To use integrated vegetation management more effectively, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM); the US Forest Service (USFS); APS; and SRP have agreed to consider using herbicide treatments alongside existing treatment methods within the authorized right-of-way corridors. Two EAs—one for the BLM, and one for USFS—are being prepared to analyze the potential impacts of using herbicides within the electrical distribution and transmission line corridors on BLM- and USFS-administered lands in Arizona. Logan Simpson was responsible for the project management, meeting facilitation, and coordination for the two separate EAs and associated processes. In addition to the meeting management, data management, and writing/editing the EAs, Logan Simpson is also responsible for managing the Forest Service project record, maintaining the file sharing system, and creating the project administrative file for USFS use.